in-person Events

January 4th: Abundance for the Year Ahead

Country Club of Fairfax - Yoga Room |  6:30 - 8:00PM
"The mind is everything. What you think, you will become." Start your year off with a meditation and soundbath designed to foster an abundant mindset. An abundance mindset allows you to see more in your life: more options, more choices, more resources. This transformational meditation will help you shift from a scarcity mindset to one where you are fully open to the possibilities in your life and set you on the path to attracting the things you want in your life. 


Enjoy the luxury of a sound bath in the comfort of your own surroundings. Provided via YouTube, all you need are a pair of headphones, some water and a comfortable place to lie undisturbed for an hour or so. Offered about once a month.

Meditation for Abundance

January 10th

Containing your Stress

December 27th | 7pm


Get a personalized sound bath tailored to your specific needs and given in a private setting.

Chakra rebalancing

Chakras are the internal water wheel of the human spirit, if you’re blocked in one chakra (or many), the wheel can’t turn properly and you may feel out of balance. This may turn up in your day to day as having trouble communicating, unresolved heartache, a lack of confidence or just generally feeling ungrounded, among other things.
The human body contains 114 chakras total, but in these rebalancing sessions we focus on the 7 main chakras by placing hand-made Tibetan singing bowls on or near the body to activate the chakra center and promote healing.

for athletes: training the mind

A strong and resilient mindset is a game changer in competitive athletics. My coaching is influenced both by my own personal experiences as an elite athlete and from the teachings of some of the top mindset coaches in professional sports. 
During a consultation, we will discuss precisely what you would like to work on and I will then craft a meditation and sound bath for your personal use. These sessions can be both virtual or in-person.

Free initial consultation
$100/hour session